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Hi, my name is Megan (prefers Meg).

Located on traditional Lekwungen territory, With Love By Meg is an evolving expression of my heart.


I have met myself in many iterations through the ritual of regular creative practice, leaning into and exploring corners of my being through precise measurements and meditative patterns. Recently, I have lost capacity to engage with artistic life in the way I am most familiar – wood burning mandalas and mountainscapes.


Chronic illness impacts many of my “normal” activities, and lately it has been asking me to let go focused attention to relax into spacious awareness. One of the key ingredients of my ongoing recovery is the practice of stillness and surrender, a practice which can be deeply uncomfortable, and full of stunning insights and wisdom. ME/CFS is a great teacher that I never wanted, and one that encourages me to stay close to my self, my heart, and my art.


As vitality slowly returns and my capacity increases I am curious to explore fluidity and colourful expanse. I look forward to sharing new works as I surrender to a different medium for bringing imagined beauty into being. Stay tuned! May you be well, and may you feel it all. 

  "Do your art. Generally, a thing cannot freeze if it is moving. So move. Keep moving."  -Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés  

 P.S... "your grief is a worthwhile use of your time." - adrienne maree brown 

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